Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Update on status of Unit 17 bargaining

To Unit 17:

As you may know, the Lecturers (Unit 18) have just completed reopener
bargaining. We are very pleased to report that Unit 18 has secured
substantial gains in the area of salary and workload. Now, the next major
project for UC-AFT is bargaining for a successor contract for the
librarian unit.

As you can see, we have established a blog for formal union
announcements concerning the bargaining process:


You will receive messages from UC-AFT staff with links
to the blog whenever it is updated. While we hope that librarians
will continue to make use of the google groups e-mail list, we
recognize that inboxes can get very cluttered. We therefore want to
have a single method and location for formal communication from the
union in regard to the bargaining process. Please bookmark this
location and check it regularly.

We write today to update you on the status of the union's preparations
and advise you of opportunities for participating in this process:

1. Labor-Management meetings in preparation for bargaining will occur
on each campus in October/early November.

In preparation for bargaining, UC-AFT and UCOP have agreed to
labor-management meetings at each campus. These meetings will be a
forum for the broad discussion of the issues and problems that
confront UC libraries and librarians.

UC-AFT will be working with members at each local to determine
the agenda for these meetings. Please watch for opportunities to get
involved in the preparations for your campus meeting.

2. Structure of Bargaining Committee

At the last UC-AFT Council meeting in July, the Council approved a plan for
Unit 17 bargaining. Under this plan, each local will designate two
members as representatives to the Unit 17 Bargaining Committee. The
Bargaining Committee, pursuant to the UC-AFT By-Laws, will have the
responsibility of developing specific bargaining proposals. The
negotiating team (members who attend the negotiating sessions) will be
drawn from the Bargaining Committee.

Locals have been asked to work on selecting their Bargaining Committee

3. Appointment of Chief Negotiator

After consultation with the Council and local members, UC-AFT
President Bob Samuels, has asked UCSC Lecturer Mike Rotkin to serve as
the Chief Negotiator for Unit 17. Rotkin has been Chief Negotiator
for Unit 18 for many years and has long years of experience in dealing
with UCOP. Rotkin will convene the Unit 17 Bargaining Committee and
will be designated as the unit's chief spokesperson at the negotiating

4. Dates for Regional meetings: October 6 (UCB) and October 13 (UCLA)

The union will convene regional meetings of Unit 17 members on two
consecutive Saturdays in early October. We expect that the meetings will
last for 2-3hours. Bargaining Committee representatives should
plan to attend at least one of these meetings
and all other interested members are welcome. At these regional meetings,
members will discuss the content of specific bargaining proposals and
will decide on the actual process for further preparations and
negotiations (i.e., methods of communication, number of members who
will serve on the negotiations team, etc.).

5. Issues to Negotiate

Unit 17 members have been meeting throughout the summer at every
campus to discuss possible bargaining proposals. In addition, there
have been some lively discussions over e-mail Below is a partial
list of subjects that have been identified as areas where the union
will submit (or may submit) proposals, per the determination of the
Bargaining Committee:

a. Salary!!! -- need for great improvement of lower end of range;
problems with lack of equity caused by initial hiring to advanced
steps; increases to keep pace with cost of living and higher cost of

b. Professional development -- lack of support for professional
development; attempts by management to limit academic freedom of

c. Workload -- burdens of inadequate staffing; additional "interim
assignments," inadequate recognition of duties created by new demands
for instruction.

Some possible proposals for workload (there is no current contract
language on this subject): automatic bump in compensation for
duration of interim assignments; required workload
evaluation/adjustment meetings; right to devote specific percentage of
time to academic pursuits; right to work remotely; end to practice of
drafting Statements of Responsibility after additional duties assumed
and completed -- so no credit during review periods for increased
workload; workload study committee process at each campus (following
model of Unit 18 workload study process begun in 2003...?)

d. Protection of the Unit -- must end UC's practice of creating
"librarian-like" positions in MSP series as a way to evade need to
address the salary scale.

e. Sabbatical -- provision of paid leave for support of work required
of librarians as academic appointees. Another possible proposal:
conversion of any above-cap accrued vacation time to sabbatical leave?

f. Vacation -- Higher cap for accrual of vacation time, before it is lost.

g. Campus-sponsored Housing Assistance and Child Care programs --
Parity with Senate Faculty at all locations.

h. Child care assistance program and tuition assistance program --
grants to subsidize cost of child care and tuition at UCs for children
of unit members.

i. Strengthened Grievance Rights -- management decisions re:
librarians' choice of their academic program must be grievable --
i.e., unreasonable denials of permission to attend specific
conferences critical to librarian's academic program. Also, need
grievance rights on unreasonable denials of "alternative arrangements"
during library closures and non-discrimination languauge must be fully

j. Introduction of process for dismissal of a career-status librarian
(to track Unit 18 process for dismissal for academic performance --
very, very onerous for management!!)

k. Paid release time for Unit 17 UC-AFT grievance stewards at each campus.

l. Establish process for adequate crediting of time for required shifts
on evening/weekends/hoildays.

m., etc.. plus, whatever else the Bargaining Committee determines to
propose prior to deadline for exchange of proposals.

6. Timetable for Bargaining

through September -- scheduling of and preparations for on-campus
Labor-Management meetings; selection of Bargaining Committee members
at each local; continued discussion of potential proposals; continued
work on communication and outreach re: librarian issues.

through October and early November -- UCOP/UC-AFT Labor-Management
meetings at each campus.

Oct. 6 (at UCB) and Oct. 13 (at UCLA) -- regional meetings of
Bargaining Committee members, and any other interested Unit 17

after October 13 -- conference calls among Bargaining Committee to
continue to develop proposals and bargaining strategies/in-person meetings
as needed.

December 1 -- deadline for exchange of proposals with UC (moved back
one month from Nov. 1 deadline now in MOU to accommodate
Labor-Management meetings).

by Dec. 20 -- first official bargaining session.

January 2008 onwards: on-going bargaining sessions, to be scheduled
in advance to allow for regular meetings at least every two weeks.

March 31, 2008 -- expiration of Unit 17 MOU.

Please feel free to be in touch with any questions or comments. Also,
please remember that you must be a union member to participate in
bargaining -- if you are unsure of your membership status or wish to
join, please contact your local field representative.

Karen Sawislak
UC-AFT Executive Director

Bob Samuels
UC-AFT President

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